Creepin' up on you-Darren Hayes

Creepin' up on you is the wrong thing to do
I found your address got your phone number too
Visit all the stores where you buy all your clothes
Been to secret places you think nobody knows

If I have to breathe without you
Nobody should...
I need to be around you
Watchin' you

No one else can love you like I do
Feel it when I'm creepin' up on you
I know that it wouldn't be right
If I stayed all night
Just to peek in on you
Creepin' up on you...

I been hanging round all the places you haunt
Spying on your friends to find out what you want
Drinking from the glass that you left on the bar
Follow you around driving home in your car...

Do I have to breathe without you?
Coz nobody could
I need to be around you
Watching you

No one else can love you like I do
Feel it when I'm creepin' up on you
I know that it wouldn't be right
If I stayed all night
Just to peek in on you
Creepin' up on you..

This must be wrong
It can't go on
This kind of thing
It's taking all my sanity and making a mockery
This must be wrong
It can go on
So won't somebody free me from this misery
Bring my baby closer to me

No one else can love you like I do
Feel it when I'm creepin' up on you
I know that it wouldn't be right
If I stayed all night
Just to peek in on you

No one else can love you like I do
Feel it when I'm creepin' up on you
I know that it wouldn't be right
If I stayed all night
Just to peek in on you
Creepin' up on you...

一直貼歌詞是不道德的:P 寫一下感覺好了
小時候 第一次聽到Savage Garden
就非常的喜歡他們 尤其是Darren Hayes
有買專輯 但不知跑那裡了(打屁股)
喜歡主唱的聲音 喜歡他們的曲風 喜歡他們的詞XD
最喜歡Santa Monica
自己真的很喜歡Santa Monica這個地名
唸起來就覺得好虛幻 有種飄飄然的感覺
那時候天天聽他們的歌 不止一遍XD
還和同學討論Darren Hayes是不是GAY
但我的雷達告訴我 他好像是GAY
後來 雖然沒有那麼迷 但還是喜歡著
印象中 隔了幾年 報紙好像有報Darren Hayes是GAY
但沒差 我喜歡就我喜歡 GAY不GAY真的沒差
這幾天整理詞 發現這一首
好喜歡這個音樂 快樂的想跳舞
所以 就貼一下吧XD
註:Santa Monica也出現在袁唯仁的戀典LA裡,我也超愛這首歌。有空再介紹。
註註:《在天堂遇見的五個人》裡面的遊樂園 就讓我想到Santa Monica 書的附註 還真的是Santa Monica的遊樂園。(啊~心得還沒寫

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